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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Pale Wednesday Morning // 2-26-2020

Pale Wednesday Morning EveryOne
It’s hump day and oh what a beautiful day, to think we could be kneed deep in white stuff with wind chills and bitter temperatures. But rain is the name of the game along with mild warmth for the end of February. But regardless of what it is doing outside we have a job to do inside, Ok some of you might be outdoor workers but the majority of us are indoor workers. We have places to go, things to do and people to see, life does not take a vacation because of the weather, and this mountain needs to be crossed and downward trek begin. This is hump day, this is mid-way hurdle day, this is up and over day, and the list goes on. So we need to get those hikers pulled on, laced up and tightened down. We still have half a day trek to the top, them we get to take a short breather, take the time to turn and look back and see just how far we have come. Then turn map out were we need to go then get moving for the second half of the day. Just think when we hit that peak, one stop over the line and we are that much closer to the end than back to the beginning. So let's pack it up, and make our way to the starting line. Along the way as we come on those in a hurting way we open to lending a hand in any way we can, see them to the next care center and move on. That's life, that what we need to do, that is how we need to lend a hand to society and our fellow brothers and sisters of humanity. Now Let's go conquer this hill and this day and make the most of whatever comes our way.     
Your Morning Guru
Steve Gimmi

Holidays & Observances: 
Ash Wednesday
Carnival Day
Tell a Fairy Tale Day
For Pete's Sake Day
Inconvenience Yourself Day
Levi Strauss Day
National Personal Chef's Day
Pink Shirt Day
Lent: 26-4/11

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